A “Spring Day” for the Pottery

  I have to admit, this is a NEW day for the pottery.  Those who know me well know I am not one to jump on the technology rocket, ( I thought I was going to be the last person on Earth to own a cell phone and I’m sure I came close), but the thought of being able to communicate and show what was happening at and around the pottery is a refreshing and exciting proposal.

I am fortunate to have a friend, Heather, who has both hands and feet (and brain) in the 21st century.  I, on the other hand, have one clay encrusted finger dragging my mouse around and accomplish the minimal tasks on the computer.   She has pointed me in the right direction and with her as muse, sent me off so I can blog about what I love; POTTERY!

    As Spring approaches, tomorrow actually,  I thought this to be an appropriate time to begin this new adventure.  In this part of the country, winter was a Real winter; with lots of snow and cold.  (to me ,that’s the good kind)  The plants are covered and protected by snow, the Earth is renewed slowly with moisture, and short periods of warmth are not tempting plants to grow prematurely.  That being said, I had a lot of slow, quiet time in the studio to make new things.   A couple I want to share today are the redware jug and jar lamps.  I also just fired some face jugs but have not yet converted them to lamps. (they have not yet seen the light)  I will post those as soon as they’re done.

So, here we go~~ hopefully sharing love of clay, gardening, and the natural world, from a country potter in Posey County.

Now, back out to the garden.

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2 Responses to A “Spring Day” for the Pottery

  1. Heather says:

    Fantastic first post, Tom! I’m really looking forward to reading your blog. :)

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