Holy Bowly!

I know that doesn’t even really make sense; not like Holy Moly, Holy Toledo or Holy Cow, but it is fun to say and actually makes a good title for this post.   You may ask, what good is a bowl with a hole, anyway? Not much I say, if it’s just one hole; but what about 186 holes?  Holy Bowly!  

With that many holes, it has to be good for something; and it was!  This hole lined bowl with this style rim could easily be placed on another bowl to separate curds from whey, or strain away any water from your freshly washed veggies.  This piece was inspired by one in the Philadelphia Museum of Art.  The bowl has black clay banding and yellow slip trailed around the rim.  And yes, the holes were all made by hand, one hole at a time.  Holy Moly!  But wait, there’s more holes in this story.  (somehow that didn’t come out right)  In the same time period, early 19th c. , the women of the kitchen space were also using berry bowls or , deeper colanders to wash or temporarily store their berries.    This piece too was inspired from the collection at PMoA.  And what I think is cool, 256  holes!  Holy Cow!  Yes, each hole is punched while it is still green, then cleaned out, then brushed, then cleaned again, then brushed again, and then all is reversed from the inside out.  Making holes is hard work.  I’m so proud of my holes I took a close up so you can see the holes, or not see the holes.  I’m not sure which is correct?

So, I can’t think of anything else to say; I guess you now know the whole story; but I did take one other image of the strainer that I thought was really cool.  Well it’s really just the shadow of itself.



Holy Toledo!  Is that cool or what?!


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